Diagrams samples
 What is SmartArt™?
SmartArt™ is a new feature available in Microsoft® Office Word 2007, Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007, and Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007 which allows you to quickly turn text into graphics. Type in a text outline and choose from a wide selection of layouts to easily create a compelling graphic. At any point you can make diagram wide changes - change layout types, select from various graphic styles, apply an interesting color scheme or change fonts. Or customize individual shapes to better emphasize important information.

It also allows you to add custom diagram types, such as the ones listed here.

 How do I use these diagrams?

Select the diagram you're interested in. On the diagram page, follow the instructions to download the appropriate .GLOX file. Place it in your custom SmartArt folder.

Under Windows XP, this is typically something like
{drive}:\Documents and Settings\{user-name}\Application Data\
Microsoft\Templates\SmartArt Graphics

Under Windows Vista, it's typically something like
Microsoft\Templates\SmartArt Graphics

Follow one of the links below to see more examples of a diagram's usage and to download the graphic layout file.

Available diagram types


Vertical Bracket List
Use to show grouped blocks of information. Works well with large amounts of Level 2 text.
Vertical Header List
Use for grouping information. Works well with large and differing amounts of text, as each shape grows independently.
Numbered List
Use for numbering or lettering a sequence. Level 1 text should be a short number or letter. Works well with large amounts of Level 2 text.
List Dots
Use for displaying an ordered sequence. Good for smaller amounts of text or shorter lists. The height of each shape is independently determined based on its text.
Bar List
Use for emphasizing items of different weights. Good for smaller amounts of text or shorter lists. The height of each shape is independently determined based on its text.
Varying Width List
Use for emphasizing items of different weights. Good for large amounts of Level 1 text. The width of each shape is independently determined based on its text.
Varying Text List
Use to stylistically emphasize different amounts of text. Text size varies between shapes.
Word Snake
Use for emphasizing each word, phrase or sentence in a paragraph. Works well when each piece of text varies in length.


Vertical Process Pair
Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow from top to bottom. Works well with large amounts of Level 2 text.
Log Cabin Spiral
Use to represent a converging process. Works best with a small amount of text.


2 Level Hierarchy
Use to show hierarchical relationships progressing from top to bottom. Good when you want to emphasize two levels of the hierarchy. Supports Organization Chart options for changing layout.
3 Level Hierarchy
Use to show hierarchical relationships progressing from top to bottom. Good when you want to emphasize three levels of the hierarchy. Supports Organization Chart options for changing layout.


Tabbed Arc
Use to show a set of related items arcing over a common area. Best with small amounts of text.


Simple Calendar
Use for showing a simple calendar of events. Level 1 text is the date and Level 2 text represents the associated event.
Calendar Dots
Use for showing a simple calendar of events, with emphasis on the date. Level 1 text is the date and Level 2 text represents the associated event.
Calendar with Triangles
Use for showing a simple calendar of events, with emphasis on the date. Level 1 text is the date and Level 2 text represents the associated event.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

These diagram files (GLOX) can be freely used and modified.
If the GLOX is modified and redistributed, please include an attribution to the author, Scott Sherman.

Copyright © 2006 Scott Sherman
